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Autonomous Object Detection and Navigation System with TurtleBot3 Burger in ROS2

Our project aims to enhance the performance of the TurtleBot3 Burger by implementing an autonomous object detection and navigation system. To achieve this, we utilize a personal laptop as the central processing unit, running YOLOv8 for efficient object detection. The initial challenge we addressed was the high latency of up to 1 second, which we successfully mitigated through a novel approach. Additionally, our system is seamlessly integrated with ROS2, providing a robust and modular framework for robot control and communication.

Key Components:

  1. Hardware:

    • TurtleBot3 Burger: Our robotic platform of choice, equipped with sensors and actuators, forms the physical base for our autonomous system.

    • Personal Laptop: Serving as the brain of the operation, the laptop runs the YOLOv8 object detection model, ROS2 middleware, and controls the decision-making process.

  2. Object Detection:

    • YOLOv8 Implementation: We leverage the capabilities of YOLOv8 for real-time object detection. This advanced model allows us to accurately identify and classify objects in the robot's environment.

  3. ROS2 Integration:

    • Communication Framework: Our system is integrated with ROS2, a powerful middleware for robot control and communication. This integration enhances the flexibility and scalability of the system, allowing for seamless interaction between different components.

  4. Latency Reduction:

    • Data Compression: To address the initial latency challenge, we implemented a data compression mechanism. The TurtleBot3 captures data, compresses it, and sends a compressed version to the laptop. On the laptop side, the data is uncompressed, significantly reducing latency.

  5. Human Detection and Navigation:

    • Custom Package: We developed a specialized ROS2 package that converts human detection data into command velocity (cmd_vel). This package enables the robot to respond to the presence of humans in its vicinity, facilitating safe and adaptive navigation.

  6. Control System:

    • PID Controller: Our system incorporates a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, enhanced by ROS2 middleware. This combination ensures the precision of the robot's movements, providing smoother navigation and better responsiveness to environmental stimuli.

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